Ravage Wikia


Prevent vehicles from being a part of the mission start vehicle destruction.[]

this setVariable ["rvg_owned", true, true];

in the init of the vehicle in the editor

Set texture for self placed vehicles[]

First u need the damaged or destruct texture from the vehicle you wanna use in your Mission. Right click in Eden Editor on the Vehicle and choose "find in Config Viewer". A new window will open, and the desired vehicle should be marked on the left side (Scroll down a bit if u cant see a marked Vehicle). Double Click on it and another window will open wich shows the different types of Texture assets for the vehicle condition. Choose damage and look for something like "...damage.rvmat" or "destruct.rvmat".

(you can also copy the whole code into a textfile with ctrl+c, it is easier to search then!)

Place this Code into the Init of the Vehicle:

this setObjectMaterialGlobal [0, "*Your desired texture Path here*"];      

(Example with Quadbike below)

this setObjectMaterialGlobal [0, "\A3\soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\quadbike_01_base_destruct.rvmat"];


The below code was summarized by 2LT Rell. Thanks!


Random Starting loadout[]

Add the following code to the init of the unit in the editor or called via script

0 = [this] call rvg_fnc_equip; 

Bandit Camps[]

  1. Place a trigger - (with a size that is 200x200 or larger)
  2. Set the trigger's activation to (any player, anybody or one of the factions your player is in)
  3. Set the activation type to present (when player walks into the trigger the bandit camps will spawn)
  4. Do not check the repeatable box.
  5. Under trigger expression - (Copy and paste the codes below into the following trigger fields)


(vehicle player) in thislist;

On Act:

_nul = [thistrigger] spawn rvg_fnc_spawnBanditCamp;

Make Traders[]

-add this to the init of the unit you want as a trader in the editor.

-be sure you have placed the Ravage Ambient AI module for this to work. If you dont want AI spawning besides the trader set the probability of the factions to 0.

Supply Trader

this setVariable ["isTrader", "rvg_supplies_s", true];

Gear Trader

this setVariable ["isTrader", "rvg_gear_s", true];

Arms trader

this setVariable ["isTrader", "rvg_arms_s", true];

Random trader

this setVariable ["isTrader", selectRandom ["rvg_supplies_s", "rvg_arms_s", "rvg_arms_s"], true];

Fill boxes[]

-add this to the init field of a crate you have placed in the editor

nul = [this] execVM "scripts\system\rvgFill_weap.sqf";
nul = [this] execVM "scripts\system\rvgfill.sqf";

Make Survivor[]

-add this to the init of a placed unit in the editor you want to be recruitable.

this addaction ["Recruit Unit", "\ravage\actions\recruit.sqf","", 1, false, true, "", "alive _target && {group _target != group _this}"];
 this addaction ["Dismiss Unit", "\ravage\actions\dismiss.sqf","", 1, false, true, "", "alive _target && {group _target == group _this}"];

can also be called i a script with _unit be the reference to your object etc

[_unit, _x] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true];} forEach [["Recruit Unit", "\ravage\actions\recruit.sqf",[_unit], 1, false, true, "", "alive _target && {group _target != group _this}"],["Dismiss Unit", "\ravage\actions\dismiss.sqf",[_unit], 1, false, true, "", "alive _target && {group _target == group _this}"]];

Create fire/smoke effect[]

Add the following code to the init of an object in the editor or called via script.

-Will create small,medium,big fire and smoke particles on a given object:

0 = [getPosATL this,"FIRE_SMALL"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;
0 = [getPosATL this,"FIRE_MEDIUM"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;
0 = [getPosATL this,"FIRE_BIG"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;

-Will create small,medium,big smoke particles on a given object:

0 = [getPosATL this,"SMOKE_SMALL"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;
0 = [getPosATL this,"SMOKE_MEDIUM"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;
0 = [getPosATL this,"SMOKE_BIG"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;

How to control lights with any object[]

1.Place any object on the map such as a Generator.

2.Paste the code down below into the Init field of the object you placed this will add a addaction to the object allowing players control specific lights within a set radius. The object if destroyed will disable any of the defined lights within the set radius.

this call { _radiusLights = 3000; _lights = nearestObjects [ _this,["Lamps_base_F","PowerLines_base_F","PowerLines_Small_base_F"],_radiusLights]; _lamps = ("_x == (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> 'Land_Runway_PAPI') or (inheritsFrom _x) == (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> 'Land_Runway_PAPI') or _x == (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> 'Land_NavigLight') or (inheritsFrom _x) == (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> 'Land_NavigLight') or (inheritsFrom (inheritsFrom _x)) == (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> 'Land_NavigLight')" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")) apply {tolower(getText (_x >> "model")splitString "\" joinString "\")}; _lampouz = (nearestTerrainObjects [_this,[],_radiusLights]) select {((getModelInfo _x) select 1) in _lamps}; _this addAction ["switch off lights",{ params ["_gene","_caller","_id","_lux"]; private _geneMenu = (_gene actionParams _id) select 0; if (_geneMenu isEqualTo "switch off lights") then { _geneMenu = "switch on lights"; { [_x,false] call BIS_fnc_switchLamp; false; } count (_lux select 0); {_x hideObjectGlobal true} forEach (_lux select 1); } else { _geneMenu = "switch off lights"; { [_x,true] call BIS_fnc_switchLamp; false; } count (_lux select 0); {_x hideObjectGlobal false} forEach (_lux select 1); }; _gene setUserActionText [_id,_geneMenu]; },[_lights,_lampouz],0.8,false,true,"", "!(_target getvariable ['destroyed',false])"]; _this addEventHandler ["hit", { params ["_gene"]; if (damage _gene > 0.2) then { _gene setVariable ["destroyed",true]; _gene setDamage 1; _radiusLights = 3000; _lights = nearestObjects [ _gene,["Lamps_base_F","PowerLines_base_F","PowerLines_Small_base_F"],_radiusLights]; _lamps = ("_x == (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> 'Land_Runway_PAPI') or (inheritsFrom _x) == (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> 'Land_Runway_PAPI') or _x == (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> 'Land_NavigLight') or (inheritsFrom _x) == (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> 'Land_NavigLight') or (inheritsFrom (inheritsFrom _x)) == (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> 'Land_NavigLight')" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")) apply {tolower(getText (_x >> "model")splitString "\" joinString "\")}; _lampouz = (nearestTerrainObjects [_gene,[],_radiusLights]) select {((getModelInfo _x) select 1) in _lamps}; { [_x,false] call BIS_fnc_switchLamp; false; } count _lights; {_x hideObjectGlobal true} forEach _lampouz; _gene removeEventHandler ["hit",_thisEventHandler]} }]; };

How to earn banknotes for killing Zombies[]

1. Place down the Ambient Zombie Module.

2. Paste the script below into the KilledEvent Handler section of the Ambient Zombie module this will give a player one banknote per zombie killed.

player addItemToUniform "rvg_money";

GF Drop Loot Script[]

Enemies , will drop items or add to their inventory , when killed.[]

The script was created by [1] GEORGE FLOROS GR .

You can add to the enemy , anything you want to be dropped or carried in uniform or vest etc,

or even add a vest , or map , nvg's , money or anything you want . ( zombies with loot )

and can be found here:

[2] GF Drop Loot Script   

List of Classnames[]


Ravage Weapon Classnames[]


Adding random loadout on player respawn - MP[]

- credit to BB and Haleks and Jimmakos

-Create a file in the main mission folder where the init.sqf is and name it onPlayerRespawn.sqf

-Add this code to it and the player will respawn in the same way with the random kit from the start.

_unit = _this select 0;
_unit spawn 
    sleep 2;
   [_this] call rvg_fnc_equip; 

-A bit more complex code but also works great (it's also updated to latest Ravage functions).

waitUntil {!isNull player};
_unit = _this select 0;
//comment "Remove existing items";
removeAllWeapons _unit;
removeAllItems _unit;
removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
removeUniform _unit;
removeVest _unit;
removeBackpack _unit;
removeHeadgear _unit;
removeGoggles _unit;
//comment "Add containers";
[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
_unit addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests);
//comment "Add weapons";
if !(rvg_weapons isEqualTo []) then {
	_weapon = [_unit, rvg_weapons select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weapons) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
} else {
	_weapon = [_unit, rvg_weaponsA3 select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
//comment "Add items";
[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;
if(true) exitWith{};

Things you can't do currently[]

-add custom uniforms directly to units by side. May be added by Haleks in future iterations.

currently it is only possible to add equipment to the pool used the spawn scripts.

Custom Lootlists[]

I have pulled this info down as it was causing more consternation then it was solving.[]

An easier system for this will come in future updates.[]

Thanks for your patience.[]

Simple Lootspawn Method[]

1.Place down a Invisible Helipad where you want loot to spawn.

2.Place one of the Scripts into init Section of the Helipad.

3. Weapons Script.

gun = ["arifle_MX_F", "arifle_MX_GL_F", "arifle_MXC_F", "arifle_TRG20_F", "arifle_TRG21_F", "arifle_TRG21_GL_F", "arifle_MXM_F", "srifle_EBR_F", "LMG_Mk200_F", "hgun_P07_F", "arifle_Khaybar_F", "arifle_Khaybar_C_F", "arifle_Khaybar_GL_F", "hgun_rook40_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; 
Waffe1 = "groundweaponholder" createVehicle getpos this;
Waffe1 addWeaponCargo [gun,1];
Waffe1 setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,0.00];

4. Item Scripts

itemw = ["muzzle_snds_H", "muzzle_snds_L", "muzzle_snds_B", "muzzle_snds_H_MG", "optic_Arco", "optic_Hamr", "optic_Aco", "optic_ACO_grn", "optic_Holosight", "acc_flashlight", "acc_pointer_IR", "FirstAidKit", "Toolkit"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
Waffe1 = "groundweaponholder" createVehicle getpos this;
Waffe1 additemcargo [itemw,1];
Waffe1 setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,0.00];

5. Ammo Scripts

ammov = ["30Rnd_65x39_Caseless_mag", "100Rnd_65x39_Caseless_mag", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag", "20Rnd_762x45_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "20Rnd_556x45_UW_Mag", "30RND_556x45_Stanag", "200RND_65x39_Cased_box_Tracer", "RPG32_F", "ATMine_Range_Mag", "APERSMine_Range_Mag", "ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag", "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag", "APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag", "SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag", "APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag", "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell", "SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShellGreen", "SmokeShellYellow", "SmokeShellPurple", "SmokeShellBlue", "SmokeShellOrange"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; Waffe1 = "groundweaponholder" createVehicle getpos this; Waffe1 addmagazinecargo [ammov,2]; Waffe1 setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,0.00];

6. vest Scripts

vestx = ["V_Rangemaster_belt", "V_BandollierB_khk", "V_BandollierB_rgr", "V_BandollierB_cbr", "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr", "V_PlateCarrier1_cbr", "V_PlateCarrier2_rgr", "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr", "V_Chestrig_khk", "V_ChestrigB_rgr", "V_TacVest_khk", "V_TacVest_brn", "V_TacVest_oli", "V_HarnessO_brn", "V_HarnessOGL_brn", "V_RebreatherB", "V_RebreatherIR"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
Waffe1 = "groundweaponholder" createVehicle getpos this;
Waffe1 additemcargo [vestx,1];
Waffe1 setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,0.00];

Custom Map Loot lists[]

There are two arrays you need:

  • Building_list
  • Building_registr lists

The first one only needs the classnames. The second needs an array in an array as follows



LootType numbers are as follows

  • 0 - Civilian
  • 1 - Military
  • 2 - Industrial
  • 3 - Research


​//----Add classnames Here ---

waitUntil {!isNil "Building_list"};


0 = Building_list pushBack _x;


forEach [

















































































































































































//---Classname Building Positions here ---

waitUntil {!isNil "Building_registr"};


0 = Building_registr pushBack _x;


forEach [













































































































































































//----Add classnames Here ---

waitUntil {!isNil "Building_list"};


0 = Building_list pushBack _x;


forEach [






































































































































































//---Classname Building Positions here ---

waitUntil {!isNil "Building_registr"};


0 = Building_registr pushBack _x;


forEach [


































































































































































Custom time acceleration for day/night time []

Ravage time scale is 4 by default.

Make sure "time acceleration" in Ravage Settings module is setted to 0.

-Create a .txt file in the main mission folder where the init.sqf is and name it time_cycle.sqf

-Use (!isServer) for singleplayer and (isDedicated) for multiplayer missions.

-Use >= for approximate time or > for precise time change.

-Use sleep for singleplayer and uiSleep for multiplayer missions.

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
while {true} do
    if (daytime >= 17.40 || daytime < 6) then
        setTimeMultiplier 12 //for night time
        setTimeMultiplier 4 //for day time
    sleep 120;

Map center positions: (for various terrains)[]

-For various uses (more will be added in the future).

["utes",[3519.8037, 3703.0649,0], 

An easier and universal way is to use this line, which finds the coords of the center of the current map:

_mapcenter = [worldSize / 2, worldSize / 2, 0];
